Dynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere

Topic: Solar Physics

Session Title: Dynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere


The Earth’s inner magnetosphere is a complex environment that hosts multiple co-existing and coupled plasma populations, with energies ranging from sub-eV through to ultra-relativistic MeVs. Although each population has their own characteristic energies, composition, spatial distributions, and variations with geomagnetic activity, the populations are highly coupled with each other through a myriad of micro-scale wave-particle interactions and meso-scale plasma dynamics. Overall, the inter-dependency of the inner magnetospheric populations necessitates a cross-energy, system-level understanding of the inter-related dynamics.

In this session we will explore new research into the various plasma populations (including but not limited to, the inner and outer radiation belts, the ion and electron ring current populations, and cold plasmaspheric plasma), as well as the range of wave-particle interactions that couple them (e.g. ULF, chorus, EMIC waves, etc.). We will discuss how the system and its components respond to different types of geomagnetic activity, such as geomagnetic storms, substorms, injections, and solar wind structures. This will also include how the inner magnetosphere is coupled more broadly to the wider solar wind, magnetospheric, and ionospheric environments.

We welcome contributions spanning observational (ground and space), modelling, simulations, and theoretical research. We welcome new science that draws upon the wide suite of observational resources, such as the Van Allen Probes, MMS, Arase, Cluster, THEMIS, GPS, SuperDARN, SuperMAG, EISCAT, and VLF receivers, and many more. We invite both new science results, new mission and instrumentation concepts or developments, as well as review papers.

Organiser(s): Jasmine Kaur Sandhu (University of Leicester), Ravindra Desai (University of Warwick), Oliver Allanson (University of Birmingham, University of Exeter), Rachel Black (University of Exeter, British Antarctic Survey)


Venue: WILB-LT15

Session 1: Thursday 18th July, 9:00 – 11:00

Pierrard Viviane09:00Links between the cold plasmaspheric plasma and the energetic particles of the radiation belts
Richard Boynton09:30Modelling the electrons in the radiation belts measured by POES using a system identification approach
Tom Daggitt09:45MeV electron acceleration in a coupled density and radiation belt model
Oliver Allanson10:15The challenge to understand the zoo of particle transport regimes during resonant wave-particle interactions for given survey-mode wave spectra
Daniel Ratliff10:30Modelling the Statistics of Whistler Mode Chorus: Wave Action models in Near-Earth space
Panel Discussion10:45

Venue: WILB-LT15

Session 2: Friday 19th July, 9:00 – 11:00

Suman Chakraborty09:00The role of intense chorus waves in the outer radiation belt electron dynamics
Sarah N Bentley09:30Radiation belt modelling: new metrics for radial diffusion and what they tell us.
Sam Rennie09:45ULF Pc5 Waves observed using SuperDARN – a Statistical Study
Lauren Orr10:00Network-based quantification of space weather observations
Jamie Perrin10:30Electron injections and decays during the CRRES era and the extreme geomagnetic storm of March 1991
Panel Discussion10:45