Parallel Sessions

AbbreviationTopicSession Title
EnergBalExtragalactic AstrophysicsEnergetic Ballet: Unveiling Accretion and Feedback in Compact Objects across Cosmic Scales
ObvSimExtragalactic AstrophysicsFrom observations to simulations: unveiling the nature of galaxy clusters
GravLensExtragalactic AstrophysicsGravitational Lensing in the Era of Big Data
GamBurExtragalactic AstrophysicsNew Developments in Gamma-ray Bursts
ModAstroExtragalactic AstrophysicsModelling Astrochemical Processes in the Universe
MilWaGalactic and Stellar AstrophysicsConnecting the Milky Way with its parent populations at the dawn of time
GaiDatGalactic and Stellar AstrophysicsGaia Data Release 3: Contents, Access, Use and a GaiaDR4 look ahead
MisOpSolar PhysicsMIST Open Session
DynMagSolar PhysicsDynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere
GeoStoSolar PhysicsThe drivers, impacts and consequences of geomagnetic storms
UKSolSolar PhysicsUK Solar Physics Open Session
SolWiSolar PhysicsSolar wind formation, evolution and properties in the age of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
ObvModSolar PhysicsObservations and modelling of small-scale transient phenomena in the solar atmosphere
MagWaSolar PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Corona in the Era of Data-Intensive Observations
DyDyAcSolar PhysicsDynamos, Dynamics and Activity Cycles in the Sun and Stars
NuModSolar PhysicsModern methods and numerical approaches for analysing the Sun’s dynamic atmosphere
EnePaSolar PhysicsEnergetic particles from the Sun to stars
SolFlaSolar Physics / Planets and ExoplanetsSolar Flares & CMEs and their impact across the Solar System: Observations, Theory, and Machine learning
VenFaPlanets and ExoplanetsVenuses near and far
ToexoPlanets and ExoplanetsTowards 100,000 exoplanets
PreUKRuObservatory CommunitiesPreparing for UK involvement in early science with the Rubin LSST
EucExObservatory CommunitiesEuclid science exploitation in the UK
SKaRadObservatory CommunitiesEra of SKAO Pathfinders – Pushing the Boundaries of the Radio Sky
MmSubObservatory CommunitiesThe mm/submm sky – achievements and future prospects
EngPuComputingEngaging the public in astronomy and geophysics
AstCompComputingDiscovery in Astronomy and Space Physics enabled by large-scale Digital Research Infrastructures
BeyAstComputingBeyond Astronomy: Applying techniques and software from astronomy to solve problems here on Earth
DivAstOther TopicsDesigning for diversity in astronomy and geophysics
CarPanOther TopicsCareers panel for Early Career Researchers
RASECNOther TopicsRAS ECN Early Career Community Session
LaSaCoOther TopicsThe impact of large satellite constellations on astronomy: five years on
ECResLunch Sessions Early career researcher’s guide to PhD supervision
LGBTQ+Lunch SessionsLGBTQ+ Networking Lunch
MisUkLunch SessionsMIST-UKSP Business Session