Era of SKAO Pathfinders – Pushing the Boundaries of the Radio Sky

Topic: Observatory Communities

Session Title: Era of SKAO Pathfinders – Pushing the Boundaries of the Radio Sky


The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) will revolutionise our understanding of the radio sky and with the SKAO-Mid prototype dish having achieved first light, the future of radio astronomy is in sight. To prepare for such an impressive instrument, SKAO pathfinders (such as, LOFAR, e-MERLIN, MeerKAT) have already pushed, and are continuing to push, the boundaries of what is possible. It is important to show the wider astronomical community the vast science that has been conducted at low to mid radio frequencies and what has already been done to prepare for the transformative results the SKAO will bring.
This session will enable the UK astronomy community, particularly early-career researchers (ECRs), to present their cutting-edge research conducted using SKAO precursors. We will welcome a wide scope of science to this session to emphasize the widespread impact that current radio facilities are having on science topics such as galaxy evolution, AGN, transients, pulsars and cosmic magnetism as well as technical challenges such as the confrontation of large data sets in radio imaging. Discussion of how such research prepared us for the SKAO will help us understand the path toward its survey operations.


Emmy Escott; Lucy Oswald; David Williams


Venue: APPSCI-East LT

Session 1: Monday 15th July, 09:00 – 11:00

Shari Breen09:00The Square Kilometre Array Observatory
Bohan Yue09:25New constraints on the contribution of star formation and AGN activity in quasar radio emission from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Ciera Sargent09:40Exploring the origin of the excess radio emission in red quasars
Afrida Alam09:55Using Self-Organising Maps to classify complex radio morphologies in large-scale radio surveys
Frits Sweijen10:10The long and short of it: revisiting the size distribution of radio sources from arcminute to sub-arcsecond lengths with the International LOFAR Telescope
Vijay Mahatma10:25Advancing radio galaxy science: new insights with LOFAR-VLBI
Jun Tian10:40MeerTRAP: searching for Galactic sources with an SKA precursor telescope
Poster Sparkler Talks10:55Emmy Escott, James Petley, James Turner

Venue: WILB-LT28

Session 2: Monday 15th July, 15:00 – 17:00

Jack Radcliffe15:00The UK SKA Regional Centre – empowering your science today
Julia Healy15:25Going deep with MHONGOOSE: uncovering low column density HI with MeerKAT
Keith Grainge15:40Calibration of MeerKAT autocorrelation data for HI Intensity Mapping
Wenxiu Yang15:55Calibration pipeline and results for HI intensity mapping with FAST
Mel Irfan16:10Beyond Haslam
Phoebe Ryder16:25POSSUM’s Magnetic Forage: Enhancing Faraday Rotation Measurements in the Galactic Plane
Poster Sparkler Talks16:40Sparsh Jain, Lucy Clews, Roland Timmerman