MIST-UKSP Business Session

Topic: Lunch Sessions

Session Title: MIST-UKSP Business Session


The UK MIST (Magnetospheric, Ionospheric, and Solar Terrestrial) and the UKSP (UK Solar Physics) communities have researchers and science that closely intersect and, at times, overlap. As a consequence, our communities face similar challenges and concerns. MIST and UKSP continue to foster close communication between our communities, and benefit from continued sharing of good practice and community initiatives.

In this session, we will host a joint MIST-UKSP business meeting. MIST and UKSP Council will provide updates on their initiatives and projected plans. We will have invited presentations from representatives on key funding councils (for example, the Solar System Advisory Panel). We will have an open forum for discussing key concerns within the community including, but not limited to, access to funding opportunities, doctoral student support, space and ground-based instrumentation, and community meetings/conferences.

We welcome input and participation across the breadth of the community and across all career stages. 

Organiser(s): MIST-UKSP


Session 1: Friday 19th July, 12:30 – 14:00