The drivers, impacts and consequences of geomagnetic storms

Topic: Solar Physics

Session Title: The drivers, impacts and consequences of geomagnetic storms


Geomagnetic storms are defined by sustained energisations of the Earth’s ring current and radiation belts, and are one of the most impactful phenomena for space weather. A powerful geomagnetic storm can break satellite technologies and interfere with communication systems. 

Despite many years of study, we are still building our understanding of what exactly leads to geomagnetic storms and how geomagnetic storms play out. Each storm is unique, and so are the effects on the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system. We must understand and distinguish between direct drivers, related phenomena and direct consequences.

In this topical and cross-cutting session, we invite the community to discuss the physical mechanisms which drive geomagnetic storms and how we might model and measure these. We also welcome discourse on the measurable impacts and consequences of geomagnetic storms.

Organiser(s): John C Coxon, Maria-Theresia Walach, Luke A Barnard, Sarah N Bentley, Jasmine Kaur Sandhu, Andrew W Smith


Venue: WILB-LT31

Session 2: Friday 19th July, 14:00 – 16:00

Alexandra Fogg (Online)14:00Extreme space weather in the Earth’s space environment
Ciaran Beggan14:25The ring current during geomagnetic disturbances
Gemma Bower14:45The geomagnetic and geoelectric response to the 10/11th May 2024 storm in the UK
Jonathan Eastwood15:05In-flight performance of the MAGIC magnetoresistive magnetometer on the RadCube CubeSat, and observations of a G5 geomagnetic storm on 11 May 2024
Shannon Killey15:25Identifying typical relativistic electron pitch angle distributions: evolution during geomagnetic storms