Energetic Ballet: Unveiling Accretion and Feedback in Compact Objects across Cosmic Scales

Topic: Extragalactic Astrophysics

Session Title: Energetic Ballet: Unveiling Accretion and Feedback in Compact Objects across Cosmic Scales


Accretion onto compact objects is one of the major astrophysical energy generation processes in our Universe. Its influence in the form of cosmic feedback is widespread and an essential ingredient of galaxy evolution models. High-energy astrophysical observations of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are the key to understanding accretion and feedback, revealing the mechanisms of winds and jets and determining the energy and matter flows near a compact object. Based on the remarkably similar observational features to those seen in
AGNs, the analogy with Galactic stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars also sheds light on the physics of feedback on human-observable timescales.
In this session, we will discuss the origin of the accretion disc radiation, jets and outflows from compact objects of different mass scales. We will accept presentations of observational
data analysis, observation-related numerical simulations, and theoretical research. We also encourage presentations of multi-wavelength/messenger observations but focus on high-energy astrophysical observations of accreting compact objects.


Chair: Jiachen Jiang (University of Cambridge)
Co-chairs: Andrew Young (University of Bristol)
Lauren Rhodes (University of Oxford)
Adam Ingram (Newcastle University)
Amy Knight (Durham University)


Session 1: Monday 15th July, 09:00 – 11:00

Session 2: Monday 15th July, 15:00 – 17:00