Solar wind formation, evolution and properties in the age of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe

Topic: Solar Physics

Session Title: Solar wind formation, evolution and properties in the age of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe

Description: The Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe missions have both been operating for several years now, providing state-of-the art measurements of the solar wind and observations of its source regions on the Sun. These missions have ventured closer to the Sun than ever before, providing new insights into the properties of the solar wind and the mechanisms by which it forms and evolves. A crucial aspect of many solar wind studies is to use theory and modelling to establish connectivity between remotely sensed solar wind source regions (such as coronal holes and active region boundaries) and the plasma that is sampled in situ at the spacecraft. In this session, we will celebrate and discuss the latest advances in solar wind research that use data from Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe and other heliospheric observatories that will help us achieve the fundamental science goals of these missions.

Organiser(s): Alexander James, Jesse Coburn, Luca Franci, Deborah Baker, Stephanie Yardley


Venue: APPSCI-East LT

Session 1: Wednesday 17th July, 09:00 – 11:00

Chair Introduction09:00N/A
Rui Pinto (Online)09:10From multi-decadal solar wind modelling to real-time forecasting, and on moving away from the ecliptic plane
Adam Finley09:40The impact of nested active region emergence on the coronal field and solar wind over several solar rotations
Peter Wyper10:00Forward modelling of a high resolution simulation of an unstructured Coronal Mass Ejection
Jesse Coburn10:20On The Origin of Magnetic-field Reversals in the Solar Wind: Observations by Solar Orbiter and Solar Dynamic Observatory
Extended Discussion10:40N/A

Venue: APPSCI-East LT

Session 2: Thursday 18th July, 09:00 – 11:00

Chair Introduction09:00N/A
Sam Badman09:10Probing the Escaping Corona with Parker Solar Probe
Daniel Clarkson09:40An Anisotropic Density Turbulence Model from the Sun to 1 au Derived from Radio Observations
Anmol Kumar10:00Numerical modelling of Alfvén waves in the solar wind
J.R.McIntyre10:20Observations of the solar wind turbulence transition range as evidence for the helicity barrier
Extended Discussion10:40N/A